CEO: Jack Mizuno
Graduated from Sophia University. After working for Daiwa Securities and Reuters, established Bilingual Connections and served as CEO. After selling out the company, joined Eltes Co. Ltd. and Nextremer Co. Ltd., to support sales, overseas expansion and financing. A former employee of Shinjuku Seiga Childcare Center. Currently, a CEO of HOIKU Corporation and a Director of Hekinan Infant Welfare Society, an Auditor of HOIKU Early Childhood STEM Research Institute, Metropolitan Tokyo Qualified Childcare Center Third Party Evaluator and Childcare qualification holder.
Our Director

Director: Yuji Takei
Graduated from Keio University. Worked for Hazama Corporation, and then Reuters. After working at the London branch, became a vice president and in 2003 the first Japanese CEO of Reuters. Served as a CEO at Prometric Japan, Dan & Bradstreet Japan, D & BTSR, IDG Japan, and SWIFT Japan. Currently a director of HOIKU Corporation. Professional coaching qualification holder.
Our Advisors

Senior Advisor: Heiji Fujimori
A founder of "watching over childcare method". Born in Tokyo in 1949. After studying architecture at university, he obtained qualification and worked as an elementary school teacher. Established Seiga Childcare Center in Hachioji City in 1979, followed by Seiganomori Childcare Center in Tama New Town (1997), Shinjuku Seiga Childcare Center in Takadanobaba (2007) and Chiyoda Seida Childcare Center in Kanda (2019). Currently, a director of Shinjuku Seiga Childcare Center and CEO of Giving Tree, the research institute for childcare and environment. More than 700 childcare centers around the world are practicing his “watching over childcare method”.

Junior Advisor: Toshihiko Nakayama
Graduated from Sophia University. Received his master’s degree from University of Tokyo. After joining the Japan UNESCO Association Secretariat, he became the CEO of Cosmos Education Center, Inc, a chief/director of social welfare corporation Sanshinkai Yamadacho Daiichi Childcare Center. Currently, he is a vice-president of Shinjuku Seiga Children's Garden of Social Welfare Corporation Seigakai, a senior researcher of Giving Tree, the research institute for childcare and environment, a deputy chief advisor, HOIKU Corporation, a councilor of Social Welfare Corporation Iruma, a chairman of the Organization's International Committee of National Private Nursery Federation (Japan), a lecturer of the Tokyo Health and Welfare Foundation, and an evaluator of the Tokyo Welfare Service Evaluation Promotion Organization.
Our Ambassador

Ambassador: Thian Ai Ling (Ms)
Master from Columbia University (Teachers’ College), a Post-Graduate Diploma in Education with the National Institute of Education (NIE) and a BA (Honours) with the National University of Singapore. Ms Thian Ai Lingwas also profiled by the three-time Pulitzer Prize winner and NY Times Columnist, Thomas Friedman in 2011 for spearheading thought leadership in education in Singapore. Before joining the pre-school sector in 2015, Ms Thian spent 18 years with MOE (Ministry of Education). Ms Thian was a recipient of Singapore’s National Outstanding Youth in Education (OYEA) Award in 2001 and the Lee Kuan Yew’s Valedictorian Award at the 2008 National Institute of Education’s Leaders in Education Programme. Ms Thian was also an Apple Distinguished Educator in her early days as an educator. Currently, Ms Thian is the General Manager of My First Skool by NTUC First Campus, a network of 144 childcare centres (to-date) in Singapore, and afterschool, a school-based student care service in primary schools offered by NTUC First Campus, aimed at meeting working families’ demand for reliable, quality after-school care. Ms Thian leads and develops systems for business effectiveness, quality assurance and practice leadership. Ms Thian received the Prof Indira Parikh 50 Women in Education Leaders’ Award in 2018 and the Global Leader in Education Award in 2019 at the World Education Congress, India. In 2019, Ms Thian had been appointed as the official Mimamoru Practice’s Ambassador by the founder of Mimamoru, Professor Heiji Fujimori. She is the first and only one to be appointed, charged with the mission to teach and represent the Mimamoru Practices outside of Japan, in Singapore and Asia.
Our Business Partners

Business Partner: Jun Takenaka
Graduated from Doshisha University in Japan. Entered one of the biggest prep school called Sanaru. Achived number one status among all the teachers in the first year. Established a company that provides a new style of implmenting ICT into education and built a platform for delivering E-learning contents effectively. A main member of executing buy-out for Concept Ltd. Currently, a CEO of If Design Ltd. and a CTO of HOIKU Inc.

Business Partner: Katsutoshi Osaki
LLM from University of Pennsylvania Law School. Graduated from Chuo University. Joined Gunma Bank and provided international loans and managed its investment portfolio in International Div. and New York Branch. Joined JP Morgan and other investment banks in each fixed income dept.